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year8 parent
Our experience at HTC.
It's hard to believe it’s been 3 years since we were sitting right where you are now; visiting different schools, trying to choose the best option for our child. I can honestly say with my hand on heart, that both my daughter and I are delighted that we chose HTC.
Now that she is in 3rd year and starting to look at GCSE options and career paths, my daughter has all options open to her. She has excelled at HTC: her academic achievements are better than I could have ever imagined and that is down not only to her hard work, but to the support that she gets from the excellent teaching staff on a daily basis.
She has made new friendships and has flourished into her teenage years. Her confidence has grown immensely since starting secondary school and that is, in part, down to her experience at HTC.
The pastoral care and support within the whole school community is second to none and I am confident that when my child leaves home in the morning that she is safe and happy each day.
HTC, like all schools, strives for academic excellence but I have witnessed first-hand, that this school caters for children of all abilities and with varied interests (not all necessarily academic); your child can choose the pathway that caters for their needs.
I was lucky enough to get a site tour around the new school build last week and I was amazed by what I saw: The school is going to be ‘state of the art’! It’s always exciting moving to a new school, but the excitement that your child will experience moving not only to a new school, but a brand new build in their 2nd year will make this an even better experience for them. The new build will present opportunities and resources that not every young person in our community will have.
I hope I have given you a brief insight into how happy we are with our choice in sending our daughter to HTC. We, without any hesitation would recommend HTC to you and your child.