business studies
business studies
business studies
The aim of the ICT Department
The aim of the ICT Department is to provide students with a wide range of ICT and programming skills that can be used in everyday life or to gain access to University to pursue a career in ICT.
KS3 Curriculum (Years 8, 9 and 10)
The ICT Department offers a wide range of ICT and Computer Science courses that prepare our students for further studies in GCSE, A, level and BTEC Courses.
In addition to the normal ICT skills taught through spreadsheets, databases, web design and presentation software, our courses include computer programming taught through the in use of BBC Microbits, the Arduinio and the Raspberry Pi. We encourage a practical approach to programming and promote student’s innovation and creativity in their approach to ICT.
AV3 programming in Robotics, Python, Scratch and C# languages are explored and design is encouraged through the use of our 3D printer and laser vinyl cutter. In addition to the normal ICT and Computer Science classes on offer, we have an ICT after school’s club where we work on programming and video productions to enter competitions such as the Childline E. Safety competition and the Data NI challenge. The ICT department are recognised as a hub for the delivery of the Digital School House programme providing us with the opportunity to work with our local primary schools to teach programming skills and enter the annual E.Sports competition using the Nintendo Switch.
Departmental Staff
Mr G. McStocker (Director of ICT)
Mr S. McVeigh
Mrs E. Beggs
Mrs A McKenny
Mr M Stevenson
Mrs Nicola McElhatton (ICT Technician)
KS4 Curriculum (GCSE, BTEC and OCN Courses available}
GCSE Digital Technology
We currently offer both the programming and Multimedia route in the new CCEA GCSE Digital Technologies course and BTEC First in Information and Creative Technology.
Overview of GCSE Digital Technologies
Digital Technology offers opportunities to build on the skills and capabilities developed through the delivery of the Key Stage 3 curriculum in Northern Ireland
There is a choice of qualification. Either:
GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia) or GCSE Digital Technology (Programming)
GCSE Digital Technology (Programming)

Unit 1
In this unit, students explore a range of digital technologies available for data
storage, manipulation, presentation and transfer. They also evaluate the importance
of data security and data legislation.
Unit 2
In this unit, students gain an understanding of the concepts in the development of
digital systems. They enhance the knowledge and skills developed in Unit 1.
Unit 3
In this unit, students design, develop and test digital multimedia systems.
Unit 4
In this unit, students analyse trends in software development and the concepts
involved in designing and building digital systems using coded solutions.
Unit 5
In this unit, students design, develop and test coded solutions when creating digital
systems. Students must use one of the following languages in their completed
solution: Python, Java or C#.
Overview BTEC First in Information and Creative Technology
The Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award is a level 2 qualification, it consists of three units being taught over two years. The units are:
Unit 1 the On-Line World.
This is an externally assessed written exam unit. This unit will help students understand the main technologies and processes behind the internet and investigate how they come together to let users view websites and send information across the world.
Unit 3 Digital Portfolio.
This is an internally assessed unit. This unit provides students with the opportunity to produce their own digital portfolio. A digital portfolio is an exciting onscreen way to showcase achievements to potential employers or when applying for a course. The digital portfolio is all about showcasing the projects students have created and developed demonstrating how they can make use of communication and presentation software.
Unit 13 Website Development.
This unit is internally assessed and will provide students with the opportunity to investigate the features and uses of websites by exploring what they are and how their integrated components and applications interact with each other. Students will also learn how to design, develop and test a website for a brief. Once this is completed students will review their website, having obtained feedback from others.
BTEC Level 3 Courses.
We offer single and double award BTEC Level 3 in Information and Creative Technology. Both of these are new two year courses and will provide our students with good qualifications to allow them to enter further study at University or enter the world of work.
Overview of BTEC Level 3 in Information and Creative Technology
The units being studied in the Single Award are:
Unit 1 Information Technology Systems
This unit is externally assessed through a written examination set and marked by Pearson.
The examination is two hours in length. Learners will be assessed on their understanding of
computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations.
Unit 2 Creating Systems to manage Information
This unit is externally assessed through a task set and marked by Pearson.
The set task will be completed under supervised conditions for 10 hours in a one-week period set by Pearson, which can be arranged over a number of sessions.
The set task will assess learners’ ability to design, create, test and evaluate a relational database system to manage information.
Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business
This unit is internally assessed and students will explore the impact of social media on the ways in which businesses promote their products and services. Students will also develop and implement a plan to use social media in a business to meet the user’s requirements.
Unit 6 Website Development
This unit is externally assessed. Students will review existing websites – commenting on their overall design and effectiveness. Scripting languages will be used such as Hypertext
Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript® and a simple text editor, or rapid application development tools. Students will reflect on the website design and functionality using a testing and review process. This unit will help students understand the principles of website development and they will design a website to meet client requirements.
The additional units being studied in the Double Award course are:
Unit 4 Programming
This unit is internally assessed. You will learn about computational thinking skills and the principles of designing and developing computer programs. You will apply computational thinking skills to design, develop, test, refine and review computer programs for a given range of purposes. By developing your analytical, problem-solving and programming skills, this unit will help you to progress to higher education or to employment as a software developer.
Unit 5 Data Modelling
This unit is internally assessed, and you will investigate the fundamentals of the decision-making process. You will find out how using data modelling provides the computational ability to compare consequences and determine a preferred course of action. You will develop the skills and techniques necessary to create complex spreadsheets in order to produce accurate information that informs decision making. You will examine a scenario and then design, develop and test a spreadsheet; you will review your spreadsheet and make refinements based on user feedback, providing an evaluation of the effectiveness of the alternatives produced. The skills developed in this unit are useful for progression to computing or business-related higher education courses and for use in decision making in the workplace.
Unit 9 Project Management
This unit is internally assessed. You will investigate the principles of project management and different project management methodologies, as used in the IT industry. You will deliver an IT project using at least one project management methodology and complete the five main stages of a project. You will initiate the project by researching a problem and using your creative skills to generate a range of solutions, undertaking a feasibility study to select an appropriate solution and outline the requirements of the project. You will undertake the planning, execution, and monitoring and control stages of the project, either through simulation or by undertaking a major project as part of your BTEC course, which could
involve the integration of several units. You will close the project by reflecting on the success of the project outcome and your personal performance. The analytical and problem-solving skills and knowledge you gain in this unit will prepare you for entry to higher education to study a range of degrees. The unit will help you when entering an IT apprenticeship or the workplace, for example working alongside a project manager.
Unit 11 Cyber security Incident Management
This unit is externally assessed. You will examine the many different types of cyber security attacks, the vulnerabilities that exist in networked systems and the techniques that can be used to defend an organisation’s networked systems. You will investigate the techniques used to assess risks and ways of planning to deal with the results of a cyber security incident and recover systems following an incident. You will examine scenarios, carry out risk assessments and prepare protection plans before protecting networked systems. You will also examine evidence from cyber security incidents and relevant security documentation, using the evidence to make recommendations for improvement. To complete the assessment tasks within this unit, you will need to draw on your learning from across your programme.