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Week 10


Friday 15th November 2024


Hi Everyone


Across schools, Anti-Bullying Week was celebrated with the theme Choose Respect!, something we all should do to embrace differences and stand against bullying. Our young people need to be encouraged to speak out about bullying, be that to a trusted adult or reaching out to another person who is being bullied.  The key message is: Speak up; Be Supportive; Tell a trusted Adult


The definition of Bullying is: “The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online”. Let’s not do this to each other!.


Year 14 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors were encouraging everyone to get involved in Odd Socks Day on Tuesday, whilst some Year 11 pupils made a short video to raise awareness of anti-bullying week. The Online Safety Hub also issued a parent & pupil friendly guide to online safety, in addition to Post 16 students engaging in Cyber Security Training in W5, so lots of relevant information to follow and act on.






It was another busy week in the life of Holy Trinity College!. Exam students completed GCSE Modular Exams in Science and English, but there’s more to be done next week including English Unit 4 and Maths. Year 11 also sat their first GCSE Modular Exam – they have worked so hard since the beginning of September and were buzzing when they completed their Biology Double Award Science paper.  Good luck to everyone and we hope you get the results you well and truly deserve.


Wednesday was Positive Noticing Day.  We try to do this on a weekly basis where positive phonecalls are made to congratulate a pupil for effort, conduct, improvement as well as praise and encouragement. It makes such a difference!


Our poets are back writing and this time on the theme of ‘counting’.  Congratulations to all involved in National Poetry Day. Also a welcome return to see Maths Casualty – no matter the problem, it can always be solved!


Football was high on the agenda too this week with the U-20 Ladies having a very successful win against St Dominic’s Grammar, Belfast.  Unfortunately, the Year 12 Rafferty Team are now out of the competition having lost to St Louis Ballymena, and it was another defeat for the MacRory Team. 

We continue to send our best wishes to Mrs Mc Mullan who is trekking up and over mountains across the Indian Himalayas for CoppaFeel!, a breast cancer awareness charity.  This is a fantastic charity and well worth donating to.


Bye for now and have a lovely relaxing weekend.



Isabel Russell




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