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Week 16

Friday 5th January 2024


Hello Everyone


Happy New Year - welcome to 2024!


I hope you had a lovely relaxing Christmas with your families and that everyone remained safe and well. It was such a welcome break but now it’s time to restart and get back into the swing of school life – just great, isn’t it? I do crave routine after a while!


Staff had a busy day on Wednesday with Year 8 & 9 online Parent Teacher Meetings - busy and very informative.  Whilst the priority was your child’s progress and I agree that both Year 8 & 9 are super groups, I hope you also found the online experience user-friendly. Thank you for joining the subject meetings and as always, if you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the College.


It was great to welcome our pupils back to school on Thursday. Time was spent initially reminding pupils of our key expectations:


Be Respectful    Be a Learner


Be Responsible    Be Safe


And then it was straight into work.  There was such a positive work ethic which we are always proud of and for A Level students, Applied Exams commence next Tuesday 9th so Good Luck with the preparations.  There is no time to waste. 


This month will be busy preparing for Open Evening and Subject Sampling. The Term will move along quite quickly too.  We will keep you updated on our Website, Facebook and through my weekly Blog so that you know what is happening.  And don’t forget about our Parent App – if you’re not already on it, forward us your email and we’ll soon get you logged on!



Have a great weekend


Isabel Russell





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