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Week 18

Friday 19th January 2024


Hello Everyone!


It was certainly much colder this week – the snow and ice made travelling more difficult, so I hope everyone was careful driving or walking. Inclement weather has an impact on school too as buses don’t run and due to lower pupil numbers, we can only operate in Year Groups until staff arrive safely.  The late start on Tuesday at 10.00 was very helpful but we understand its difficult for those who require buses to get in to school and unfortunately, we are not always made aware that buses are not available. Safety is always a first priority for pupils, staff and visitors to the College.


Thursday was a day of widespread Industrial Action with many Trade Unions and members electing to strike.  Education is very poorly funded in itself, but so too are our teaching and non-teaching staff.  They deserve a pay rise similar to other parts of the UK.  The work they all do is above and beyond to support the children in our care.


Activities were light on the ground this week as many were cancelled due to the weather.  The Treanor Cup Team had a good win over Patrician High on Monday and are looking forward to their next match.


I was delighted to address Year 12 on Wednesday morning at Assembly.  The theme was that of the 3 x Rs: Reset, Refocus, Restart.  Did you know there are 64 school days until the 1st GCSE Exam in May?  Start preparing early and be proud of your success. 




A fairly quiet week all round, and time has been spent preparing for Open Evening next week – watch this space for more details!. 




Talk soon!


Isabel Russell





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