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Week 19

Friday 26th January 2024


Hi Everyone!


It was an amazing evening for the College last night as we hosted our Open Evening for prospective P7 and P6 pupils and parents. 


We were packed to capacity as we showcased a range of practical activities, demonstrations, resources, information, results, discussions with pupils and staff, and would you believe, we had live pet animals on site as well, as part of our agriculture course/club.




We certainly appreciate everyone taking the time to visit the College to see all that was on offer and also receive an update on the new school build.  Did you know the new 3G pitch will be available for September 2024 - just when the P7 pupils are transferring and starting a new chapter in Holy Trinity College.  The remainder of the school won’t be long behind that. Exciting times ahead here!


I sincerely thank all the pupils and an amazing staff who carried out their duties in a most informative and efficient manner.  Our pupils were great ambassadors for the College and carried out their many jobs, which included either presenting in the classroom or as tour guides to absolute detail – well done boys and girls!.  A huge thanks to everyone for making the evening such a success.


Photographs and a promotional video will be uploaded onto the website and Facebook asap, so check in to view it all. 


We hope Primary 7 pupils will make Holy Trinity College their  no.1 choice for the next journey in their education.


Last Sunday 21st, marked the start of Catholic Schools Week with the theme: Communities of Service.  Each day, a different aspect of service was reflected upon – Friends, School community, Family, Community and Faith Community.


Today, we didn’t sit still as there was plenty of staff training to complete and subject progress meetings held with Years 11 -14.  It really never stops in HTC!


After a pretty hectic but very positive week, it’s now time for a rest!



Bye for now.


Isabel Russell


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