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Hi! Welcome to Holy Trinity College's Primary 7 site.
We realise that moving from your, often smaller, primary school to a larger secondary school can be a scary experience. We hope to ease your transition by giving you an insight into what HTC has to offer. Browse through our site to see more...

Meet your new Principal, Head of Key Stage & Head of Year
Mrs Russell
Head of Year 8
Miss Rafferty
Head of KS3
MR O'Donnell
Transition teacher
mr mc guigan
Click below to view
Principal's welcome
Welcome to Year 8 pupils and Parents/Guardians
Hi There
Welcome to Holy Trinity College Primary 7 Transition site. We are delighted to welcome your son or daughter to the College and hope, that by visiting this site, you will find out a lot more about life in the College.
My name is Mrs Russell. I am the Principal in our school. The P7 Transition Website is just for you and we will update it as much as possible, with the aim of ensuring that you have a smooth and successful move from Primary 7 to Year 8. We are here to help and guide you at all times and we are very proud of showing our pupils and staff engaged in their lessons.
There are a number of important people for you to meet along the way - Mrs Monaghan Head of Year 8, who will look after you extremely well when you join us in September, and Mr O’ Donnell Head of Key Stage 3. He is responsible for all pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10. You’ll meet all of us on our P7 Website and in the 'Meet and Greet' section along with some current Year 8 pupils.
We work very closely with our partner Primary schools and when you come here to the College, we want you to settle in quickly, be happy and confident, and reach your true potential.
By looking through our website, we hope you will get an idea of what we expect from our pupils and how they work very hard to achieve success. It will give you a great head start and prepare you for what it will be like when you join us too.
Should you have any questions which you wish to ask, please email us at info@holytrinityc.cookstown.ni.sch.uk and we will try to reply as soon as possible. Be sure to check out our main College website www.holytrinitycollege.org and you can also link onto our Facebook.
Parents/Guardians, as soon as you have forwarded your email address to us via the Data Capture Form, you can then sign up to the Parent App to receive more personal information.
We hope you like what you see and we can’t wait to meet you.