business studies
business studies
business studies
Arrive in school by 8.40 am
When the first bell sounds at 8.40 am, make your way to the form room or Assembly Hall for registration
Ensure you are at your Form Room for registration at 8:45 am
Every Monday morning you must go to the Assembly Hall for Assembly.
Break time- Year 8-10 pupils go to the Canteen or bring in their own healthy break. Years 11-14 go to the canteen for Break. Please note that peanuts are banned from our College.
When the bell sounds at the end of break time and immediately and go to class
Canteen - The canteen operates a cafeteria system. You must, line up and wait your turn to be served.
Lunchtime (12.35 pm – 1.15 pm) followed by afternoon registration with your form teacher (1.15 pm - 1.30 pm)
Pupils have a choice of Canteen or bring in a packed lunch
Our canteen provides a Healthy Eating option
If you are entitled to a “free” lunch, you will be given a “meals pass” at the beginning of the school year. Your form teacher will give you this pass every morning during registration. Show this pass at the till in the Canteen to pay for your meal.
If you lose or forget your free lunch pass, you should report to Mrs Litter in the office.
If you are eating a packed lunch, you must go to the allocated area in the canteen.
Lunch must not be eaten elsewhere.
When the bell sounds at the end of lunchtime (1.15 pm), fetch your bags immediately and go to Form Teacher's room (1.15pm – 1.30 pm)
HOMETIME - 3.10 pm
Pupils, who travel home by bus, will be taken by their class teacher, in an orderly fashion, to the gates. Buses will not leave until every child has boarded.